"He or she who provides for this life, but takes no thought for eternity,
is wise for a moment, but a fool forever."
- John Tillotson
A Mr. Powell wrote this letter to Alonzo and Margaret Drake, two of my Pastor friends from Michigan, “Dear Reverend, … I need your help. A couple of months ago a girl from your church was visiting here in Ohio ... maybe you can get her a message. Her name is Kim ... and she works for an insurance company. Kim ... saw me trying to get my wife into the house. Mother had a stroke and was in a wheelchair. She was very kind and helped us so we asked her in. We talked awhile and I told her how sick my Lois was. I told her how I couldn’t stand to think about losing my dear wife. Kim began to talk about her God and living forever in heaven. I never worried about God. He left me alone and I left Him alone.”
“Mother suddenly began to choke,” Mr. Powell continues, “and when Kim tried to help, she spit up all over her. Kim ... got a wet cloth ... cleaned Ma ... took some rouge out of her purse and fixed Ma’s face.
A Mr. Powell wrote this letter to Alonzo and Margaret Drake, two of my Pastor friends from Michigan, “Dear Reverend, … I need your help. A couple of months ago a girl from your church was visiting here in Ohio ... maybe you can get her a message. Her name is Kim ... and she works for an insurance company. Kim ... saw me trying to get my wife into the house. Mother had a stroke and was in a wheelchair. She was very kind and helped us so we asked her in. We talked awhile and I told her how sick my Lois was. I told her how I couldn’t stand to think about losing my dear wife. Kim began to talk about her God and living forever in heaven. I never worried about God. He left me alone and I left Him alone.”
“After she left,” he continues, “I read her paper and asked God in my heart. Can you believe this 84 year old man knowing God. I was telling Mother about what I did and asked her if she wanted God. She nodded yes, so I prayed for her and she nodded again and smiled. She couldn’t do that, she couldn’t smile since having the stroke. Reverend, Mother died 2 days later. It still hurts but Kim said we’ll live forever and I’m going to see my sweetheart someday. I believe it. I keep hoping Kim will come back but I’m going to live with my son in Cleveland so I won’t see her. If you know Kim, tell her thanks for loving an old man and his wife.”