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Dan Turpin

Turn Every Hurt

"Someday after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for a second time in the

history of the world, man will have discovered fire." - Bernie Siegel

My Pastor's wife was certainly not off base in expecting great things from her only son. He was an accomplished musician, powerful communicator, and gifted leader. From all outward appearances one would assume he was going to make his mark in the world for the Lord. Everything looked promising until he, for some odd reason, began abusing alcohol. In a short time his body collapsed, and at age 37 he died from illnesses associated with alcoholism. Her world fell apart. In that same year her daughter and son-in-law, who had been struggling in their marriage, divorced. After 20 years of faithful service this son-in-law whom she loved, was out of her life and out of their ministry. She was devastated.

It took weeks for her to gain the strength and courage to want to live again. She began seeking the Lord and, after what seemed like an eternity, He spoke to her, “Turn your hurt into ministry” Initially, those words seemed trite and insignificant when compared to the intensity of her pain. But as God’s word echoed in her heart a small ray of hope began to shine in the darkness. Sometime later, she met a lady whose only son committed a terrible crime and was sent to prison for life without parole. Her heart went out to this grieving soul. She befriended the woman, then contacted the son and began ministering to him through the mail.

Hope and strength started to flow. As she began to help this broken mother, my Pastor’s wife found encouragement for herself. She began to rise spiritually and emotionally above the dark cloud of circumstance hanging over her head. The more she helped the more she received help. All over again she began to find a new reason to live.

Pain is not something anyone should bear alone. Never turn the other cheek to an individual who may be suffering. God moves through the channels of our compassion for one another and heals through love. James 5:16 says (Amplified), Confess to one another therefore your faults – your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins; and pray also for one another, that you may be healed and restored – to a spiritual tone of mind and heart.” The Golden Rule is a healing rule, “Whatever you want others to do to you, do also to them.” You can turn every hurt you experience into ministry by helping others.

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